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It is important to understand your home insurance policy — what it covers and doesn't cover, what affects the rate, and how and under what circumstance it can be cancelled or non-renewed.
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In the booklet for her new album "Blackout", Britney Spears is photographed wearing a cross and fishnet stockings while leaning suggestively against a confessional booth.
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The International Institute for Middle-East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES) in Ljubljana, Slovenia, regularly analyses events in the Middle East and the Balkans. IFIMES has prepared an analysis of the current political events in the region in view of the recently concluded US Vice President Joseph Biden’s visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The most relevant and interesting sections from the comprehensive analysis entitled “Inauguration of the new Serbian leader in Bosnia and Herzegovina” are given below.
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Google has lured MySpace, the world's largest online social network, to its side in its battle against the wildly popular rival site Facebook. The internet search giant, which is based in Mountain View, California, has announced that MySpace is to join its OpenSocial platform that allows developers to write programs across multiple social sites using one set of tools. The tools will eliminate the need for small start-ups or even one-person shops to customise programs, such as an interactive game of scrabble, for each site.
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Meet Miroslava “Mirka” Vavrinec, a former tennis player from Switzerland and girlfriend to tennis star Roger Federer. See photos, video and a biography of Mirka here.
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  • Taylor Swift biography

    Taylor Swift biography

    Originally from Pennsylvania, Taylor Swift grew up in Reading then moved to the town of Wyomissing where she joined the Wyomissing Area Junior / Senior High School. Passionate about horse riding, she takes part in many horse shows, but quickly turns...
  • How to unblock someone on Facebook

    1) First, you need to log into your Facebook account and navigate to your homepage.   2) Second, you will need to type in the name of the person who you initially blocked at the top left of the screen.    3) Once you have navigated to the user’s homepage,...
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  • US Soccer Education Denver uspješno okončao humanitarnu akciju pomoći Safetu Hodžiću, prikupljeno 10.034 dolara

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  • Outlook -> QuickParts -> create templates - Create a reusable building block

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    1.      Select the content or email message part that you want to store as a reusable building block. To store paragraph formatting — including indentation, alignment, line spacing, and pagination — with the entry, include the paragraph mark (PI  ) in the...
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    Excel -> Wrap text in a cell automatically

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