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Sarajevo, 10. mart, 2010. – Vlada Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, putem Američke agencije za međunarodni razvoj (USAID), sa zadovoljstvom najavljuje da će direktor misije USAID-a Allan Reed i holandski ambasador Sweder van Voorst tot Voorst otvoriti novu šalter salu u zgradi Općine Novi Travnik u srijedu, 11. marta u 12:00 sati. Predstavnici Švedske agencije za razvoj i saradnju (Sida) će također učestvovati na ceremoniji otvaranja. Pozivaju se predstavnici svih medija da prisustvuju ovom događaju. Šalter sala u Novom Travniku renovirana je u sklopu druge faze Projekta upravne odgovornosti (GAP), koji je osigurao 140.000 dolara za renoviranje, a Općina Novi Travnik obezbijedila je 100.000 dolara. Osoblje uposleno u šalter sali učestvovalo je u obuci iz oblasti pružanja usluga i odnosa sa javnošću. Kao dio ovog projekta, Općina Novi Travnik dobiti će i neophodnu kompjutersku opremu i dorađeni, integrirani kompjuterski program za budžet i računovodstvo. USAID, SIDA i ambasada Kraljevine Nizozemske obezbijedile su po 10 miliona dolara za finansiranje druge faze projekta GAP (GAPII), petogošnjeg projekta koji pomaže lokalnim vlastima u BiH da povećaju nivo efikasnosti i odgovornosti. Tokom protekle tri godine, GAP I je osigurao podršku 41 općini širom BiH u izgradi kapaciteta i unaprijeđenju razine usluga koje pružaju građanima. Uspostava šalter sala glavna je aktivnost projekta GAP čiji je cilj da osigura efikasno, profesionalno i transparentno pružanje usluga, poveća zadovoljstvo građana i poboljša povjerenje građana u lokalnu upravu i demokratiju. Projekat je pomogao općinama da postanu efikasnije i transparentnije, što je rezultiralo smanjenjem vremena čekanja na usluge za 50 posto. Novih 30 općina učestvuje u sličnim aktivnostima u drugoj fazi projekta GAP. Do danas, vlada SAD-a, putem USAID-a, obezbijedila je gotovo milijardu i pol dolara za podršku ekonomskom, demokratskom i socijalnom napretku Bosne i Hercegovine. Slijedeći događaji će biti otvoreni za medije: 12:00 - 12:10 Dobrodošlica od strane načelnika Općine 12:10 - 12:20 Govor predstavnika donatora projekta GAP: Sweder van Voorst tot Voorst, ambasador Kraljvine Nizozemske Allan Reed, direktor misije USAID-a u BiH 12:20 - 12:30 Ceremonija presijecanja vrpce i svečano otvaranje šalter sale 12:30 - 13:50 Obilazak šalter sale IZJAVE ZA MEDIJE SU PLANIRANE NAKON OBILASKA SALE ### NEW CITIZEN SERVICE CENTER TO OPEN IN NOVI TRAVNIK Sarajevo, March 10, 2010 – The Government of the United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is pleased to announce that USAID Mission Director, Allan Reed, and Dutch Ambassador, Sweder van Voorst tot Voorst, will open a new Citizen Service Center in Novi Travnik on Wednesday, March 11, at 12:00, in the municipality building. Representatives from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) will also assist in the opening. All media are invited to attend. The Citizen Service Center in Novi Travnik was remodeled as part of the second phase of the Government Accountability II Project (GAP II), which provided $140,000 for the physical remodeling, while the municipality contributed $100,000. The Center’s staff was trained in customer service and public relations. As part of the project, the municipality will also receive upgrades to its integrated budget and accounting software and necessary hardware infrastructure. The USAID, SIDA, and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands have each provided $10 million in funding toward the second phase of GAP, or “GAP II”, a five-year effort to help local governments in BiH increase their efficiency and accountability. In the past three years, GAP I assisted 41 municipalities throughout BiH to build their capacities and improve service provision to citizens. The development of the Citizen Service Centers, which have reduced waiting times for services by 50%, has helped municipalities provide more efficient, user-friendly and transparent service delivery. As a result, citizens’ satisfaction in their interaction with local government services has significantly increased. An additional 30 municipalities will participate in similar activities in the second phase of GAP. To date, the U.S. Government, through USAID, has provided close to $1.5 billion in assistance to support economic, democratic and social progress in BiH. The following event will be open to the press: 12:00 - 12:10 Welcome from the Mayor 12:10 - 12:20 Remarks of GAP’s donor representatives Mr. Sweder van Voorst tot Voorst, Dutch Ambassador Mr. Allan Reed, USAID Mission Director 12:20 - 12:30 Ribbon cutting ceremony and the official opening of Citizen Service Center 12:30 - 12:50 Tour through the Citizen Service Center
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