There's been a bit of a stink in Hong Kong in recent days involving a young pop star, some scandalous paparazzi photos, and yes ... Jackie Chan. Last week, a magazine called EasyFinder published photos of Gillian Chung (one half of the pop duo Twins) that were taken as she was changing out of her clothes backstage during a show. Regular citizens and famous people (including Chan) have banded together to complain to the government about the mag, but naturally we demanded evidence first. After tracking down the images, we can see that they clearly constitute an invasion of privacy ... and they're also pretty dull. Our pop divas show more skin than that at the dry cleaner. Fortunately, the photos came with a bonus spread of an equally hot unnamed model, so our search wasn't a total loss. See for yourself what all the fuss is about and decide if you want to cancel your subscription ... or start a new one.