Irhad loved playing football every Friday night with his friends. He also loved playing drums and he was dreaming that his band would one day become famous. Recently all this changed as he has been diagnosed with nvCJD a variant of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD). In the space of several months his life changed upside down. Irhad was slowly losing the control of his actions, then he was losing the ability to walk. Today, his mother is his carer, tirelessly looking after him day and night.
Irhad’s best shot is a treatment at Western General Hospital in Edinburgh, Scotland. An operation has been scheduled by the end of the month. His mum is trying to raise £16,000 towards the operation that could save his life.
Bosnia Appeal is collecting funds and is also trying to raise awareness about this serious illness and urge anyone who could help by recommending a doctor or treatment that could save Irhad.
Please help if you can, even just by spreading the word.