In Cooperation with the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), the
International Journalism Center (IJZ) at the Danube-University Krems (Vienna) announces the start of the 9th Master-Program in Print, Radio, TV and Online Journalism. In the three semester course students are taught an integrated approach towards the media. The program begins in October 2002 is fulltime and students earn a Master of Adanced Studies.
Language of Instruction is German. Students applying need to have a
University degree, a working command of the German language and pass the
entrance exam. Deadline for applications is August 15. Stipends cover
student fees and living expenses.
With students from 21 nations and instructors from 15 nations, the program
has become a platform for international journalism and communications
throughout Europe. Other Master-Programs at the IJZ starting in the fall
include PR and Integrated Communications and Communications and Management
For more information please contact:
Stefanie Bundt
International Journalism Center
Danube-Unibversity Krems
Dr. Karl Dorrekstr 30
3500 Krems
Tel. 43/2732/893 2702
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