On Wednesday, September 22, 2010, Patrick S. Moon, United States Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), met with Brcko District Chief of Police Goran Lujic and officer Senada Đonlić to congratulate Ms. Đonlić on her nomination to represent BiH at the 48th International Association of Women Police (IAWP) Training Conference. The conference will take place September 26-30, 2010 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
Earlier this year, the United States Embassy, through the U.S. Department of Justice International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (USDOJ/ICITAP), invited BiH police agencies to nominate distinguished police personnel to represent BiH at this annual gathering of women police professionals from around the world. Ms. Đonlić is one of four nominees selected from throughout the Balkans region to attend this event.
During the meeting, Ambassador Moon underscored that the U.S. government will continue to provide strong support for police modernization and emphasized that this process should include more opportunities for officers to advance into senior leadership roles.
The main topic at this year’s IAWP Conference will be "Strength in Unity,” emphasizing the important role of criminal justice leadership in building safer and more secure communities. Strong collaboration between law enforcement and the judicial sector creates a cohesive, cooperative criminal justice environment where the rule of law acts as an anchor from which the future growth and development of BiH depends.