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Actress Lindsay Lohan has left rehab after over a month spent in the Utah centre and completing her course to get clean, MTV.uk reported. The Hollywood star will now start filming a movie, called "Dare to Love Me". "I decided to stay in Utah until it is time to shoot the movie and then I plan on returning to the centre so I can stay focused and avoid other distractions," Lohan said.
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Two Bibb County women have tested positive for West Nile virus , according to the North Central Health District of the state's public health department. The women, who are 80 and 88, are the second and third cases of West Nile in Bibb County this year. On Sept. 24, an 85-year-old Bibb County woman was identified as the county's first case. That woman, whose name was not released, was treated at an area hospital and sent home.
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Much discussion and is found there outside in various forms such as the forum, the E-zines, the blogs and the sites which help to inform you on what occurs in the world of SEO. SEO satisfy without any doubt and anywhere read it to you, are the same message… that it is absolutely A must have if you want to gain any normal positions in the search engines. Consequently we enter the whole not very about the services content with SEO.
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SEO Vs. Branding is a marketing quandary that bigger companies will need to come to grips with on the Internet. Often companies will need to choose whether to promote their own brand name as their main keyword phrase or optimize for a more generic keyword phrase.
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Apple's OS X 10.5 "Leopard" emerges from its den today, Oct. 26. Macs fan are, of course, ready to embrace the latest Mac OS, but what's really new in this version? For starters, this is not the major upgrade that Tiger, Mac OS X 10.4 was. Instead, it's many small steps forward and several new features, which make Leopard an interesting cat.
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It is important to understand your home insurance policy — what it covers and doesn't cover, what affects the rate, and how and under what circumstance it can be cancelled or non-renewed.
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In the booklet for her new album "Blackout", Britney Spears is photographed wearing a cross and fishnet stockings while leaning suggestively against a confessional booth.
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Google has lured MySpace, the world's largest online social network, to its side in its battle against the wildly popular rival site Facebook. The internet search giant, which is based in Mountain View, California, has announced that MySpace is to join its OpenSocial platform that allows developers to write programs across multiple social sites using one set of tools. The tools will eliminate the need for small start-ups or even one-person shops to customise programs, such as an interactive game of scrabble, for each site.
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The International Institute for Middle-East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES) in Ljubljana, Slovenia, regularly analyses events in the Middle East and the Balkans. IFIMES has prepared an analysis of the current political events in the region in view of the recently concluded US Vice President Joseph Biden’s visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The most relevant and interesting sections from the comprehensive analysis entitled “Inauguration of the new Serbian leader in Bosnia and Herzegovina” are given below.
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Meet Miroslava “Mirka” Vavrinec, a former tennis player from Switzerland and girlfriend to tennis star Roger Federer. See photos, video and a biography of Mirka here.
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VIENNA, 15 June 2009 - The South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) is deeply concerned over recent attacks on BIRN Kosovo Director Jeta Xharra and her team, who produce the programme Jeta ne Kosove, aired on the public broadcaster RTK Kosovo. On 4 June 2009, the Albanian daily newspaper Infopress published what appeared to be a death threat against Xharra, stating, Jeta has brought it upon herself to have a short life. On 5 June, Infopress again attacked Xharra in another editorial piece, in which the author wrote that he would be honoured to shake the hand of any dutiful Albanian who took it upon himself to punish Xharra. Xharra is the director of BIRN (Balkan Investigative Reporting Network) Kosovo, which produces the popular TV programme Jeta ne Kosove (Life in Kosovo), where controversial and taboo topics ranging from homosexuality to minority voices to alleged war crimes are presented to the public. The hate campaign against Xharra and her team followed an edition of Life in Kosovo, broadcast on 28 May 2009, which reported on freedom of the media in Kosovo and focused on the central Kosovo municipality of Skenderaj/Srbica. After the programme was aired, Xharra and her team received various threatening messages. Commenting on the situation, SEEMO Secretary General Oliver Vujovic said, SEEMO strongly condemns these death threats and public assaults against Jeta Xharra and her team, as they are a direct attack on freedom of expression. It is vital for journalists to be able to report freely on current affairs without fear of harassment. Any attempts to influence media independence are unacceptable in a modern society. Vujovic added, It is especially worrisome that this apparent hate campaign is being waged by a newspaper that depends on advertising revenue from the government. Infopress receives the lion's share of government advertising revenues, which would imply that the campaign is supported at the highest political level. SEEMO urges the authorities to put an end to political pressure on the media and to allow journalists to report freely on current affairs and to carry out their work in safety.
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VIENNA, 15 June 2009 - More than one year after the brutal assault on Dusan Miljus, an investigative reporter for the Croatian daily newspaper Jutarnji List, his attackers are yet to be arrested. The South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI), calls on the Croatian authorities to further ensure Miljus's protection and to bring to justice those responsible for the attack. On 2 June 2008, two assailants wearing motorcycle helmets approached Miljus in front of his home in Zagreb, Croatia, and violently attacked him with baseball bats until he lost consciousness. The unidentified men fled when a neighbour noticed the attack and started yelling. On 9 July 2008, an unknown male telephone caller told a relative of Miljus that if the journalist did not stop talking, other members of his family might get hurt. The caller indicated that he had information about Miljus's family members. Miljus was previously threatened via a paid advertisement in the newspaper Vecernji List, when the sister of a murdered convict issued an obituary for Miljus. SEEMO issued a protest letter regarding the incident. Miljus's writings span 20 years and cover crime in South East Europe, the mafia and Croatian underground circles. He has been previously threatened in connection with his investigative journalism. SEEMO Secretary General Oliver Vujovic said, SEEMO would welcome a full investigation by the Croatian police in order that justice is administered. It is time for the police and Croatian authorities to step up their efforts to solve this case. Vujovic added, SEEMO welcomes the fact that Miljus receives police protection, but the failure to bring those responsible to justice will only strengthen the impression that the Croatian authorities have little interest in protecting journalists who dare to report openly. Democracy fails when journalists are forced to operate in constant fear for their lives.
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